Wednesday, July 3, 2024



So many turn away from me
they whisper and they nod
My struggles seem too much for them
Where are you now my God?
I'm all alone inside this place
where fear and hope collide
I'm not so sure I'll make it out
my faith is surely tried...
My eyes are fixed upon the storm
yet deep inside my heart
I hear a voice that speaks to me
"Been with you from the start"...
"The lightening soon will disappear"
"the wind will cease to blow"
"The sun will rise within your life"
"and victory you will know"...

Jon Arno 2024

Saturday, March 23, 2024

The One


I've known for months you were the one
my soul is now at peace
So many  nights of restlessness
your presence makes that cease...

A calming has embraced my heart
I'm now where I belong
Together we are one at last 
the bonds that hold us, strong...

The sun is rising in our lives
our chapters have begun
Excitement greets us every day
and life is so much fun...

Jon Arno 2024

Tuesday, March 5, 2024



It's time that I move on from here
I'm weak and so alone
I knew this day would come for me
a fact, I've always known...

A desert, every day and night
was all just camouflage
I thought I saw you many times
but only a mirage...

Perhaps another paradigm
a place, where I can thrive
Someone to hold me in the night
where I can feel alive...

I'm waiting for the great escape
oh please, do not delay
Take me now before I cry
and beg that I might stay...

Jon Arno 2024

Thursday, March 2, 2023

When I Get Like This


Been playing music that I love
it's soothing to my soul
Sometimes when I get moved like this
the pen looks for a scroll...


Thoughts and memories flood my mind
and faces stop to stare
But just as I begin to smile
they fly off in the air...


From where they come, I do not know
their visits touch my heart
Pulling sighs from off my lips
as they turn to depart...


Im free from most of yesterday
but one still shines within
Her shrine exists for me alone
to visit now and then...


The music ends and silence reigns
its time to go to bed
I might not hold you anymore
in dreams, we dance instead...


Jon Arno 2023

Friday, June 11, 2021

Sweet Fantasy


Awakened in a lover’s dream
a place that knows no time
Her voice keeps calling out my name
sweet fantasy of mine…
Searching for her everywhere
my passions start to flame
I’ve waited for this night so long
I know she feels the same…
Opening doors and looking in
at last, I find the one
She lays there with her arms stretched out
our time has now begun…
A gentle kiss upon her lips
soon turns to so much more
Her breasts are soft and beautiful
our passions start to soar…
Her thighs are tender to the touch
Her fingers brush my hair
Soon the pleasures take control
and love sounds fill the air…
Our bodies slowly now entwined
a rhythm we adore
Please don’t, stop I beg of you
her words, so sweet, implore…

Jon Arno 

Friday, May 14, 2021



I still have moments now and then
when memories drop on by
Your face appears within my mind
A tear forms in my eye…
Why do you still come near to me
for weeks I feel the pain
No matter how I deal with this
I know, you’ll come again…
I live in two realities
they’re never far apart
The one that time secured for me 
the other holds my heart…

Jon Arno 


Saturday, April 10, 2021

So Young


An old familiar memory

a flash, from days gone by

the embers flicker once again

refusing still to die...

They usually come and then they go

but this one, just won't leave

If there had only been more time

so young and so naive...

Jon Arno 2021

Dedicated to Ms. Vicki Pike